Erstellt am: 9. November 2023

FACB: We build a QDX – 5 Band Digital Transceiver

Deutsche Version: FACB: Wir bauen einen QDX – 5 Band Digital Transceiver
Version française: FACB : Nous construisons un QDX – 5 Band Digital Transceiver
Versione italiana: FACB: Costruiamo un QDX – Ricetrasmettitore digitale a 5 bande
English version: FACB: We build a QDX – 5 Band Digital Transceiver

FACB: We build a QDX – 5 Band Digital Transceiver

Andreas Spiess HB9BLA draws attention to the following interesting FACB event: We build a QDX – 5 Band Digital Transceiver

On two Saturdays 13.1. and 20.1.2024 a kit of a QDX transceiver from the supplier QRP Labs will be assembled and put into operation. The transceiver is suitable for many digital modes (WSJT-X, JS8Call, some fldigi modes e.g. RTTY, Olivia and more), but not suitable for CW, SSB, FM, PSK31 or WinLink.

More information and registration under the link: