Erstellt am: 13. October 2021

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 8. July 2023

Surplus Party 2021 30.10. takes place

Deutsche Version: Surplus Party 2021 30.10. findet statt
Version française: Partie excédentaire 2021 30.10. se déroule
Versione italiana: Festa in eccedenza 2021 30.10. ha luogo
English version: Surplus Party 2021 30.10. takes place

As can be seen on the Surplus Party homepage, the event will happily take place as planned on October 30th!

It should be noted that, as is customary when visiting a restaurant these days, a COVID certificate together with an ID must be presented. The details (as can be seen directly on the page):

A valid Covid certificate and photo ID are required to enter the hall

No Covid test option at the Surplus Party

The regulations “Entering Switzerland” apply to our guests from abroad (-> see link / language selection at the top right)

Persons from the “border areas” are exempt from the mandatory entry form
– Deutschland (Bundesländer): Baden-Württemberg, Bayern
– France (régions): Grand-Est, Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
– Italia (regioni): Piemonte/Valle d’Aosta, Lombardia, Trentino/Alto Adige
– Österreich (Bundesländer): Tirol, Vorarlberg
– Liechtenstein

Per tutelare l’organizzatore e noi stessi dalle conseguenze, noi radioamatori, ovviamente, rispettiamo la legge come facciamo normalmente e seguiamo le istruzioni.
