Erstellt am: 1. April 2023

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 2. April 2023

Amateur radio operators at CERN break the speed of light

Deutsche Version: Amateurfunker am CERN durchbrechen die Lichtgeschwindigkeit
Version française: Des radioamateurs du CERN dépassent la vitesse de la lumière
Versione italiana: I radioamatori del CERN superano la velocità della luce
English version: Amateur radio operators at CERN break the speed of light

Amateur radio operators at CERN break the speed of light

Amateur radio operators at CERN have succeeded in making a QSO at faster than the speed of light. Amateur radio operators are allowed to use the facility at CERN in the time between experiments. They have succeeded in generating quantum waves at 3 times the frequency of light at 2000 THz. Visible light corresponds to 385 THz to 780 THz and travels naturally at the speed of light; higher frequencies can only be generated as quantum waves. Quantum waves propagate faster than the speed of light in perfect vacuum proportional to their frequency.

For the QSO a special burst version of WSJT-X was developed, with which it is possible to make a QSO in FT8 burst mode in 1 microsecond. Before this sensational success can be announced to the public, the confirmation of the connection in form of a QSL card has to be done. In the next few days, however, there will certainly be a small announcement in the media.

Quelle: CERN News


USKA Webredakteur
1.4.2023 12:36

Translated with (free version)

As most have already noticed, this was an April Fool’s joke by the USKA web editor