Erstellt am: 2. März 2022

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 18. Februar 2022

DATV – Start here !

Mittwoch 02. Mrz 20:00 - 21:15

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DATV – Start here ! (Kurs)

Language: English

This webinar is aimed at beginners and doses not assume any prior knowledge of DATV technology.
The key components of a DATV station will be presented, followed by different solutions to be operational on the 70 cm and higher bands or on QO-100.

HB9DUG Michel Burnand
I got into the ATV field in the 1990s, and since then I have been particularly interested in digital technologies applicable to ATV.
Founding member of the SwissATV and member of the Team managing the HB9TV repeaters network.

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73 de Peter Haupt HB9FEE